Supporting people with dementia through the arts.
People living with dementia can gain a lot from art. The Trust has produced a clear and simple guide that provides the practical information which will help make sure things run smoothly when artists work with people with dementia and their families.
Nurses and care assistants working care home settings and hospital settings are often excited to be involved with art projects, but they may not have the experience or knowledge to make sure that the process is safe and well managed.
The folder-style pack allows everyone involved to find the information they need quickly, depending on whether they are the person living with dementia, their family members, artists, nursing and other health or social care workers who might be involved or those commissioning or supporting arts projects and activities.
The information, drawing on a series of workshops, is designed to cover all the main arts and can be adapted to different situations at home, in a care setting or in other public spaces, such as when staff accompany residents or patients to a museum or concert.
At a time of growing interest in the way dementia and the arts interact, this pack meets the need for practical advice and support. Artists have said they need something which helped them grow their confidence and knowledge based on what works. Commissioners and staff in care setting have said they need something which helps them make sure projects are set up properly. Families say they need to be reassured that the interests of the person with dementia were being looked after. And people with dementia say they do not want to be patronised or exploited. This guide provides some of the answers in a handy format.
The production of the material was funded through the Dementia Services Development Trust, a charity that has been improving things for people with dementia for nearly thirty years. Hard copies are available but after launch anyone can download this material from the website.

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