DISRUPTION AWARDS 2023. Closing date for applications April 14th.

Read here about work done through our Dementia Disruption Awards, and explore links to the brilliant organisations and individuals who have partnered us through these awards over the years. You can apply for an award of up to £10,000!

What can you do to support people with dementia and those who care for them? How can you can help us to disrupt the way people think about dementia? Although awareness has increased, we have a long way to go, and some people with dementia and their carers don’t recognise their own experience in the narrative they see in the media and in fiction. It doesn’t match their experience.

The one-page form here is the first stage of application. Closing date is 14th April 2023. Please use the online form to submit or you can use the form in a word format. Completed Forms go to advisor@dementiatrust.org.  You will be informed of the outcome of your application by the middle of April.  The Trust’s Advisor will contact projects which are progressing to second stage, for a discussion to ensure we have understood your project ambitions fully, from which recommendations to the Trust Board will be made.  Trustees will determine the final successful projects at their meeting on 22nd May 2023 with funds being made available shortly thereafter.   If you have any queries, please feel free to email admin@dementiatrust.org.uk

Please note that this is not a research award. 

Project reports will be needed for each Trust Board meeting, and a final report to go on the Trust website.  Trustees will be interested to hear how applicants would spread the word about their project, in addition to news stories and blogs on the Trust website outlining their progress.  Photographs and videos would be welcome.

Please share this with others and get them to sign up to our newsletters when we will be bringing news of new funding for Disruption Awards and opportunities to join us as a Trustee or volunteer. And donations are always welcome from anyone who can afford to help or who would like one of the awards to be given in memory of a loved one.


The History of the Dementia Trust


Dementia Trust New Website Launch