Angus Mitchell Obituary
Dr Angus Mitchell CB, CVO, MC
The Trust was sad to hear of the passing of one of our founder trustees, Dr Angus Mitchell CB, CVO, MC, at the end of February. Angus was a war hero, and a distinguished senior civil servant, and continued to work for others throughout his life.
His obituary in the Scotsman describes a long and illustrious career. Angus was very supportive as the founder convener of Scottish Action on Dementia (later to become Alzheimer Scotland) and used his influence as Chairman of the University Court and a former senior Civil Servant to ensure considerable support for the setting up of the Dementia Services Development Centre at the University of Stirling, attracting Professor Mary Marshall OBE as first Director, and encouraging financial support for the Centre from the then Scottish Office.
A gift to the Dementia Centre of a beautiful Acer tree
Angus personally set up a travel scholarship for the Dementia Services Development Trust that contributed significantly to the international reputation of the Dementia Centre. Another gift was to the dementia friendly garden at the University of Stirling, which has as its centrepiece a beautiful acer tree that turns gold and deep red every year at the first frost and drops its leaves to the ground.